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Good cause for Streams of Love and Hope Orphanage
Door: Marcus Lensly
voor Streams of Love and Hope Orphanage

Good cause for Streams of Love and Hope Orphanage

€ 42,00
verzameld van de € 750,00


Your help, please!

I've created a money pot using Kadonation to collect money for the Streams of Love and Hope Orphanage in Kitale, Kenya.

I have been friends with Ronald Zewedi in Kitale (Kenya) for many years. He founded the Streams of Love and Hope Orphanage years ago, which I have also been actively involved in.

He unfortunately passed away recently after he was attacked and now a lovely lady, called Susan, took the reigns over from him.

His two children, Diann Topsy and Marc (my namesake) now live in the orphanage that their father started.

As I'm sure you all know, running a children's home costs money, of course. Susan does get help from others too and she is very transparent in what they have and what they need. A loving, honest woman.

This crowd funding is to lessen the financial burden that she currently carries, as this orphanage is privately run and she gets no aid from the municipality or government. The orphanage has to survive on donations from good people like you.

The current objective is to pay for firewood (for the boiler, stove, etc.), fuel, have some money at hand for groceries, etc. for a couple of months and to give all the children a wonderful Christmas.

Your contribution will be very much appreciated, even if it's only € 1,00.

You can contribute directly with your bank card by clicking 'contribute'.
Choose whether you want your contribution to be visible to others.

If you do not have a European bank account, you can always contribute via PayPal or by credit card.

Contributions by to PayPal to:


I will then transfer your contribution via my private bank account to the crowd funding, with your name (if desired) as proof of the transfer.

Payments always happen over a secure connection.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart in advance!

God bless.

Marc Lensly

Streams of Love and Hope Orphanage

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