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Lieselot Huysman
Door: Dries Van den Brande
voor Lieselot Huysman

Lieselot Huysman

€ 355,00


Bye Lieselot, we'll miss you!


Lot has taken on a new opportunity in her career and will leave Teamleader on the 20th of May. As we all want to thank her for all the great stuff she did, most recent our new website, the thousands of questions she picked up with a smile, and so many more things, too much to sum up. We can all agree she’s been a cornerstone in the marketing team and at Teamleader.

Lieselot is also one of our biggest party animals and of course, was can’t let her go with a proper goodbye. We’ll start with a nice gift, the party will follow!

 So bring up the money! The deadline is Monday evening, the 18th of May.

Thanks, everyone!

Lijst met bijdragers


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